suction curettages meaning

  "suction curettages" in a sentence
Aspiration of the contents of the uterus with a vacuum curette.


  1. Suction curettage is the preferred method of evacuation.
  2. D & C ( including dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation / suction curettage and manual vacuum aspiration ) is a blind, invasive procedure, making it difficult to avoid endometrial trauma.
  3. The Utah statute similarly provides that its prohibition " does not include the dilation and evacuation procedure involving dismemberment prior to removal, the suction curettage procedure, or the suction aspiration procedure for abortion ."
  4. For example, the Kansas statute states that its ban does not apply to the " ( A ) suction curettage abortion procedure; ( B ) suction aspiration abortion procedure; or ( C ) dilation and evacuation abortion procedure involving dismemberment of the fetus prior to removal from the body of the pregnant woman.

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